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Mitigación climática y biodiversidad en el sector frutícola y vitícola: propuestas de política pública para la adopción de prácticas.

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    Autores: Arellano E., Engler, A., Ibarra y T., Jiménez, V.,

  • class Revista: En: Centro de Políticas Públicas UC (ed.), Propuestas para Chile. Concurso de Políticas Públicas 2023. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile,
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Co-production of agroecological innovations to improve sustainability in South American fruit farms

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    Autores: Fabiana Oliveira da Silva, Eduardo C. Arellano, Blandina Felipe Viana, Vinina Silva-Ferreira, Patricia Oliveira-Rebouças, Nadia Rojas-Arévalo, Andrés Muñoz-Sáez, Valentina P. Jimenez, Natalia B. Zielonka, Liam P. Crowther, Lynn V. Dicks

  • class Revista: People and Nature Vol 6 (2):833-849
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Agent-based models of groundwater systems: A review of an emerging approach to simulate the interactions between groundwater and society. 

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    Autores: Canales, M., Castilla-Rho, J., Rojas, R., Vicuña, S., & Ball, J.

  • class Revista: Environmental Modelling and Software, 105980, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2024.105980
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Evaluation of Multipurpose Reservoir Operating Policies at Basin and Electric Power System Scales.

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    Autores: Durán, A., Favereau, M., Lorca, Á., Vicuña, S., Melo, Ó., & Negrete-Pincetic, M.

  • class Revista: Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 150(7), 04024021.
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Climate projections of oceanographic variables in the Exclusive Economic Zone of Ecuador: A 21st Century Perspective to inform impact and adaptation assessment

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    Autores: Winckler, P., Farías, L., Vicuña, S., Esparza, C., Mora, J., Chubretovic, R., ... & González, R. A.

  • class Revista: Regional Studies in Marine Science, 103612. Volume 77, 10 December 2024, 103612
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Groundwater–surface water exchange from temperature time series: A comparative study of heat tracer methods

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    E. Saphores, S. Leray, F. Suárez

  • class Revista: "Journal of Hydrology Volume 632, March 2024, 130955"
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Adaptation to Climate Change in Basins within the Context of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus.

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    Autores: Jander, V., Vicuña, S., Melo, O., & Lorca, Á.

  • class Revista:  Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 149(11), 04023060. https://doi.org/10.1061/JWRMD5.WRENG-5566
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Unravelling geological controls on groundwater flow and surface water-groundwater interaction in mountain systems: A multi-disciplinary approach

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    Autores: E. Marti, S. Leray, D. Villela, J. Maringue, G. Yáñez, E. Salazar, F. Poblete, J. Jimenez, G. Reyes, G. Poblete, Z. Huamán, R. Figueroa, J. Araya Vargas, J. Sanhueza, M. Muñoz, R. Charrier, G. Fernández

  • class Revista: Journal of Hydrology, Volume 623, August 2023, 129786
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Robust streamflow forecasting: a Student’s t-mixture vector autoregressive model. 

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    Autores: Favereau, M., Lorca, Á., Negrete-Pincetic, M., Vicuna, S.

  • class Revista: Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess . https://doi.org/10.1007/s00477-022-02241-y
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